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Proper Repairs For Proper Watches

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus.

Purim is a one-day Jewish holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish People during a sticky situation in ancient Persia. This holiday usually takes place late February or early March. Throughout Purim day, there’s synagogue-going, party-throwing, and–of course–lots of food. Some highlights: hamantaschen, a tricornered cookie dough stuffed with jam, chocolate, and other fillings.

This Purim season, enjoy Molly’s authentic Purim-themed baked goods, from classic hamantaschen to other familiar festive treats.

Because the Jewish tradition follows a lunar calendar, dates vary from year to year.
View this year’s Purim dates here

Poppy Hamantashen

Raspberry Hamantashen

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